shakira edad para tontos

shakira edad para tontos

Blog Article

El 3 de mayo de 2010, el sitio web oficial de Shakira confirmó que se estaba preparando para una tournée mundial titulada Sale el sol World Tour. El sitio anunció que en España actuaría en tres ciudades siendo Madrid, Barcelona y Bilbao las elegidas y añadió que "La gira sufrirá espectacular show de Shakira a los espacios principales y una serie de ciudades a través del verano y el otoño".46 47 En febrero de 2011 comenzará el tour Sale el Estrella en América latina.

“I keep doing what I want,” he said. “The day I die, I will look back and hope I have always done what I wanted. I want to be faithful to myself.”

Her influence has transcended the boundaries of pop culture, that she has become a socio-political influencer, and was named Ganador one of the "World's Greatest Leaders" of 2017 by Fortune.[278] The Guardian has written an extensive article about Shakira's impact on Colombia's social change, specifically in education, and her ability to discuss this issue with world leaders like Barack Obama, and Gordon Brown.

Shakira wrote the lyrics, and jointly composed the music, for two new songs that are featured in the movie Love in the Time of Cholera, based on the acclaimed novel written by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez. García Márquez himself asked Shakira to write the songs.

La música de Shakira más famosa ha cautivado a millones de personas aproximadamente del mundo, mientras que su encaje humanitaria ha contribuido a mejorar la vida de aquellos que shakira edad más lo necesitan.

Shakira also released a trailer for the video, which the singer in sunglasses at a grocery store while her track “Te Felicito” with Rauw Alejandro plays in the shakira mermelada background. On Instagram, she shared a video of the single’s cover art, which features the title of the track in front of a heart with a sword through it.

Shakira's second studio album, titled Peligro, was released in March, but Shakira was not pleased with the final result, mainly taking issue with the production. The album was better received than Hechicería had been, though it was also considered a commercial failure due to Shakira's refusal to advertise or promote it.

In 2017 Shakira suffered a hemorrhage of her right vocal cord, rendering her unable to sing. Despite being told by doctors that surgery was required, she refused and returned to the stage in 2018.

“No sabía que podía conservarse a ser esforzado”: Shakira rompe el silencio tras separarse de Piqué y shakira edad pide tener Convicción en individuo mismo

Impacto en la cultura pop: Shakira ha dejado una huella significativa en la cultura pop, especialmente con su icónico movimiento de caderas, que se convirtió en un engendro mundial y se popularizó en todo el mundo.

“It was the first English language album that I made, and it was a huge challenge for me at the time. At that shakira canciones point, I had had some success in the Spanish world, but it was exhilarating and scary at the same time to push myself to new territories.”

Su capacidad para incorporar nuevos sonidos y adaptarse a las tendencias musicales ha mantenido su música fresca y relevante a lo extenso de los primaveras.

Su estilo único y su tiento para mezclar géneros han dejado una huella perdurable en shakira y pique la música latina y han hendido puertas para otros artistas.

Shakira es una cantante y compositora colombiana que ha dejado una huella imborrable en la industria musical a nivel mundial.

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